• Dynamic Programming

    One easy way to explain is to find subproblems for a problem that also overlap. Some recursive algorithms are exponential. The recursive…

    February 17, 20221 mins
  • Ethereum

    Ethereum is a blockchain with a currency and smart contracts. Like bitcoin, each user is identified by a public key. There are transactions…

    January 27, 20221 mins
  • Rust

    Rust is a system language. Compiles to binary. It has small runtime. The specialty is that is solves concurrency easily. Concurrency is…

    December 06, 20201 mins
  • Networking

    We have a device. No. Many devices. It could be an ethernet controller. A WiFi module. Or a Bluetooth thing. Let’s leave out Bluetooth for…

    November 12, 20201 mins
  • Container

    A container is a process. A container may have more than one process running inside. But it is usually one process. The command to start it…

    September 18, 20201 mins
  • Uploading From a Website

    The file is a long array of bytes. The file also has a name. But the name of a file is not inside the file. It is from the file system. When…

    September 16, 20201 mins
  • Playing Video or Audio

    The application runs as a process. The files are in the hard disk. The output has to go to the IO devices. But the full file is not loaded…

    September 14, 20201 mins

    Bios is the code, machine code that first runs on the CPU. It reads all the hardware connected to the CPU, by sending them some instruction…

    September 14, 20201 mins
  • Server Side Rendering

    Single page applications has content populated by JavaScript. Web crawlers from search engines run with javascript disabled. So they don’t…

    September 14, 20201 mins
  • WordPress

    Wordpress is a CMS. A server backed by a database. It is a PHP application. You can download it and run on your our server. Or Wordpress.com…

    September 14, 20201 mins
  • SSH

    Ssh is logging to another machine from one machine. It is basically starting one process, a shell, in the other. The standard input and…

    September 14, 20201 mins
  • SBT

    Sbt is the most improtant tooling one would need with scala. You really don’t even need scala. You need sbt only. Sbt can manage multiple…

    September 13, 20201 mins
  • Web Server

    What is a server? It is just a process waiting on a network port. It is a porcess that doesn’t exit. Reads and resonds to messages coming to…

    September 12, 20201 mins
  • Virtual DOM

    DOM is a tree. It is made of objects. It renders directly to the browser. Events get emitted by some. You can call methods on them. They are…

    September 07, 20201 mins
  • Object Oriented Programming

    Everything eventually compiles to procedural programming. That is the way. It is steps that run on x86 and then procedure calls that add to…

    September 07, 20201 mins
  • NPM

    NPM is all you need to manage packages and your projects. The best part of it is that makes all the external code you need available to you…

    September 03, 20201 mins
  • Android App

    An app is installed using an APK. Compiling project produces an APK. Is it a Java code? No it is Java code compiled into something. That…

    August 31, 20201 mins
  • FrontEnd Routing

    Configuration is the main thing. All frameworks have this one main configuration. The configuration maps the routes to components. The…

    August 28, 20201 mins
  • i13n

    Internationalization. That is a long name. It was scary the first time heard about it. It is not. It has to be set up in the project once…

    August 26, 20201 mins
  • Node JS Asynchronous Loop

    Node JS server is single threaded. Most web frameworks and their servers have multiple threads and the requests are serviced by one thread…

    August 21, 20201 mins
  • Git

    Git has an objects folder. It has got loads and loads of files. The name of the file is the hash. When we start with the first commit, all…

    August 21, 20202 mins
  • Play Framework

    Play Framework does most of what all the other web framework seems to me doing. It has some performance magic underneath, I suppose…

    August 20, 20202 mins
  • Scala

    Scala is a difficult and useful programming languages. One thing I hate about this is there are many ways of doing the same things. It is…

    August 20, 20201 mins
  • Process

    One process is started by a user accout. Each process has a user account. What happens in a system with multiple users? All the process are…

    August 20, 20201 mins
  • Process

    What is a process? It is something that is running. Started by an executable. There are multiple processes running at a time. They can…

    August 20, 20201 mins
  • TensorFlow.js

    This is like Keras. But is it not Keras, but the same structuer. You have models. You have layers. You tell the loss function. You create…

    August 18, 20201 mins
  • AWS Serverless

    Building blocks. That’s what these are. Actually all of software development is basically building blocks. But with this serverless things…

    August 18, 20201 mins
  • Authentication

    What is Authentication? It is letting the thing communicating that you are who you claim to be. So what do you need to do that? For message…

    August 18, 20201 mins
  • Functional Programming

    Functional programming is the future. It has a lot of restrictions. More rules than usual. But following those rules make the program easy…

    August 17, 20201 mins